
This Supply Chain Management & Logistics course is designed to teach advanced concepts and methods of supply chain/ network design as well as of Supply Chain coordination, integrated supply chain planning, supplier, risk and sustainability management in an application-oriented manner. The course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to solve practical problems using numerical and other analyzing methods as well as appropriate software tools.


Course goals

The participants will be enabled to:

1. Evaluate and to influence the performance of logistics processes within and between companies.

2. Understand and configure strategic potentials of logistics.

3. Optimally design intra-logistic processes, especially material flow structures design production and transport networks.

4. Apply strategic concepts for coordination in supply chains to carry out integrated planning in supply chains.

5. Apply concepts of risk management and sustainability to practical applications.


1Interactive work online or on site as well as in teams

2. Practice oriented exercises and case studies

3. Introduction to sophisticated tools

4. Flexible timing

5. Highly qualified instructors

6. Native language support

7. Material, videos and exercises designed to support self-learning

8. Course certification by independent institution

9. Mock test for exam preparation

10. Course completion certificate

11. Enriched with case studies


1. Process and performance management in logistics and SCM

2. Supply Chain/ SCM strategy

3. Material flow structures, layout design

4. Lean logistics

5. Production networks, strategic network design

6. Methods and models for network planning

7. Simulation of logistics processes

8. Coordination in supply chains, the Bullwhip effect

9. Strategic SCM concepts (VMI, CPFR, quick response, postponement)

10. Supplier management

11. Logistics service providers

12. Supply Chain & Operations Planning

13. Risk management in supply chains

14. Sustainability in logistics/ SCM: concepts and methods (reverse logistics, circularity etc.)


– Price: Depending on the training manner, contact us for more information.

– Delivery Mode: Real-time Online with trainer supports.

– Course Timing & dates: Contact us for more information.

– Course Duration:

    • + Online: 18-20 hrs 
    • + Offline: 28-30 hrs 
Topic(s)Duration foronline teaching (hours)Necessary time for self practice (exercises, case studies) (hours)
Performance management, strategy1,52,5
Layout design, lean logistics23
Production and transportation networks1,52
Network planning2,54,5
Coordination and strategic SCM concepts1,52-3
Supplier management, xPL23
Risk management1,52,5
Sustainability in SCM1,52,5

Final exam: 90 mins in English.

Certificate: Granted completion certificate by Factimal in cooperated with Resultance.